“In our nation, there's always a soldier sacrificing his own comfort for our peace. Now, it's our turn to shower them with love and showing them they're not alone.”

  • 100% Transparency
  • Assured
  • Ex-soldiers
  • Tax-benefit

Registration Details

SOH Registration Number: 246/2017

PAN Number: AASTS5940F

80G Number: AASTS5940FF20216

12A Number: AASTS5940FE20218

These amounts are for the monthly donation per beneficiary.

Personal Info

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“It was a chance encounter in May 2016 with retired Army men, war-disabled soldiers and war-widows at Jantar Mantar. There was a 70+ years old retired Sepoy who had a large family to support with his meagre pension. Both of his sons worked as daily labourers with no predictable income to feed their kids.

This hit home as we had also experienced this lack of money at one point in our life after our father retired from the Army after 28 years of service.

We saw a lot of enthusiasm on social media about our soldiers but not enough tangible action to change their lives meaningfully. That's when Support Our Heroes (SOH) was born with an aim to "serve those who fought for us"

About Support Our Heroes

Support Our Heroes(SOH) is dedicated to providing timely help since 2017 to the needy Ex-soldiers and their families, disabled soldiers, Veer Naris / Widows, medically boarded out cadets from Officers Training Academies & PBOR from Training Centres who either cannot be helped under any Government/Armed Forces Scheme or they are given extremely long waiting period to receive the Governmental Aid.

We are currently operational in 17 states and have helped more than 300 Ex-soldiers (including sailors & air warriors) & their families so far. We are providing an ongoing help to 125 people every month under our various projects outlined below :-

(a) Project PITHU aims to provide monthly ration for life to old non-pensioners/their widows living in penury in the far-flung parts of the country like North-East, Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Telangana etc. (90 soldiers/widows are being supported every month).

Project Pithu

(b) Project SEHAT aims to pay health-related costs like monthly medicines, medical check-up by doctors etc. for destitute and old non-pensioners/their widows (20 soldiers/widows are being supported every month).

Project Sehat

(c) Project SAKSHAM aims to support children’s education (15 children of needy/disabled soldiers are being supported every month).

Project Saksham

(d) Project SASHAKT aims to financially empower and provide livelihood opportunities to the widows of Ex-servicemen/needy veterans and their dependents (no monthly cases so far).

Project Sashakt

(e) Project INSANIYAT aims to provide humanitarian assistance to Soldiers & their families as well as downtrodden people in the society (no monthly cases so far).

Project Insaniyat

(f) Wing Commander Vinod Nebb Memorial Scholarship: Wg Cdr Vinod Nebb, VrC & Bar was one of our patrons who recently passed away. To recognize his active contribution to the growth of our NGO and celebrate his legacy we have recently started this scholarship for medically boarded out cadets from Officers Training Academies & PBOR from Training Centres who belong to poor economic background and are not getting any benefit of existing Government/Defence Schemes.

Cadet Scholarship

We review every case expeditiously and try to offer meaningful help immediately through the above mentioned projects. While our funds are limited we can always have a bigger heart to help those in need. This belief is what attracts lots of like minded people to our cause.

Our mission is to build an ecosystem that provides resettlement to abandoned old Ex-soldiers, ensures continued education for children of disabled Ex-soldiers & martyred soldiers and trains war widows to achieve self-sustainability.

Meet the heartbeat of the organization (Our Team)

Late Wg. Cdr. Vinod Nebb (Retd)

Late Wg. Cdr. Vinod Nebb (Retd)
Vir Chakra & Bar (VrC)


Lt. Col. R.D. Sharma (Retd.)

Lt. Col. R.D. Sharma (Retd.)


Lt. Gen. J.S. Dhillon (Retd), Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM)

Lt. Gen. J.S. Dhillon (Retd), Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM)


Mr. Ranjeet Shukla

Mr. Ranjeet Shukla


Mr. Gaurav Shukla

Mr. Gaurav Shukla


Cdr. (IN) Gavi Kumar (Retd)

Cdr. (IN) Gavi Kumar (Retd)
Head of PR & Communications

"Support Our Heroes (SOH)" is run by decorated Ex-Defence Officers of all three services (Army, Navy & Air Force).

Letters of Appreciation

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“Join us in empowering our heroes and their families—your donation can make a world of difference.”

“Spread the word! Each share is a whisper of gratitude for our heroes.”